547 research outputs found

    Distinción entre forma y figura: Su aplicación a la enseñanza en el Taller Básico 2 de Diseño Arquitectónico de la Universidad Ricardo Palma

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    El estudiante de Arquitectura afronta hoy la ausencia de consenso académico en el diseño. A menudo, trabaja con nociones vagas y desconoce el significado preciso de conceptos importantes, como lo son forma y figura. La crisis en la teoría formalista del arte ha desligado a la disciplina de su carácter visual. El lugar de la mirada lo ocupan contenidos semánticos, basados en conceptos, que se ubican en los márgenes de la disciplina. La figuratividad que se desprende de la expresión personal entra en conflicto con el orden que caracteriza al arte de construir. Por ello, se propone crear conciencia estética a través de la reconstrucción de obras ejemplares. En el presente texto, esta evaluación se contrasta con la práctica académica en Perú y se exploran posibles mejoras pedagógicas para el Taller Básico 2 de diseño arquitectónico de la Universidad Ricardo Palma, en Lima

    Diseño del layout de una fábrica para la producción de cierta serie de piezas

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    Esta memoria expone la propuesta de diseño y aplicación de un layout para su posible implementación en una fábrica ficticia donde se lleve a cabo la producción de un cierto producto compuesto por diferentes elementos, pensados y dimensionados por el proyectante a tal efecto.Ingeniería IndustrialIndustria Ingeniaritz

    La tertulia política como formato de infoentretenimiento. Estudio de caso de ‘La Sexta Noche’ y ‘El Debate de La 1’

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    El presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado analiza qué tipo de discurso predomina en el actual modelo de tertulia política televisiva y si prevalece el espectáculo sobre la argumentación. Para ello, se analizan dos programas que, a simple vista, parecen contrapuestos, en cuanto a estilo y pretensiones, como son La Sexta Noche y El Debate de La 1. Para alcanzar el objetivo principal de la investigación es necesario desarrollar el estado de la cuestión, detallado en el marco teórico, y, posteriormente, elaborar un trabajo empírico basado en una doble metodología de análisis de contenido donde, en primer lugar, se analizan 10 emisiones y 48 tertulianos distintos de los programas ya mencionados a través de diversas variables. En segundo lugar, se estudia el debate paralelo que se produce en Twitter de forma simultánea a la emisión de los programas mencionados con el análisis de una muestra de 593 tweets. La investigación verifica, como una de las principales conclusiones extraídas, que en las tertulias políticas actuales predominan los elementos característicos del espectáculo, como la escasa aportación de datos, y que en debate paralelo que se produce en Twitter prevalecen las interacciones que contienen un sesgo negativo a cerca del tema tratado.Departamento de Historia Moderna, Contemporánea y de América, Periodismo y Comunicación Audiovisual y PublicidadGrado en Periodism

    Contributions to the development of microwave active circuits: metamaterial dual-band active filters and broadband differential low-noise amplifier

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    New telecommunication systems require electronic components with increasing performance. Microwave active circuits are not an exception. In fact, these active devices (such as amplifiers, active filters, oscillators, mixers, switches, modulators, etc.) are a key part of any modern communication device and, in many cases, the components that greatly limit the overall system performance. During the last decades, engineers have been improving the performance and operation capabilities of such active components, in order to satisfy the new requirements that novel communication services were demanding. This development has taken place in two distinct lines of action. The first line deals with the optimization of the fabrication process of the transistors, which are the basic components in most active circuits. This physical improvement usually translates into higher transconductance, lower noise gure or operation at higher frequencies. The other line is related with the circuit topology in which the transistor is embedded. This second aspect handles the interaction of the transistor with other additional components or transmission lines and provides the desired operation (e.g., amplification, oscillation, etc.). This thesis is more related with the last aspect, in which the use of novel active circuit topologies is investigated. Two main research lines are presented. In the first line, novel dual-band active filter topologies are proposed. This multiband response is achieved by the use of metamaterial structures. In the second one, the use of differential low noise amplifiers is proposed for the design of active antenna arrays. The intended application is the development of a broadband active antenna array demonstrator for radio-astronomy applications

    Parenting and adolescent adjustment: The mediational role of family self-esteem

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    The present study analyzes the relationship between parental socialization practices, acceptance/involvement, and strictness/ imposition, and different indicators of adolescent adjustment, taking into account the role of family self-esteem. A sample of 848 Spanish adolescents (54.70% females) ranging in age from 14 to 18 years old (M = 16.11, SD = 1.10) participated in the study. A series of structural equations models (SEMs) were tested to examine the mediational role of family self-esteem in the relationship between parenting practices and the outcome variables that capture adolescent adjustment: emotional instability, antisocial behavior, and academic achievement. The influence of parental practices on adolescent adjustment is expected to take place through family self-esteem. The results showed that the effect of acceptance/involvement and strictness/imposition practices on emotional instability, antisocial behavior, and academic achievement was mediated by family self-esteem. Family self-esteem eliminates the previous direct relationships between parental practices and all the adolescent adjustment variables, except the one between acceptance/involvement and emotional instability, which was reduced but not eliminated. Acceptance/involvement practices positively influence adolescents' adjustment via family selfesteem, whereas strictness/imposition practices negatively influence adolescents' adjustment via family self-esteem. This study contributes to clarifying the relationship between parental practices and adolescent adjustment, considering family self-esteem as a mediational variable rather than as an adolescent adjustment indicator. The present findings and their implications for parenting science are discussed

    Revisión del sistema de seguimiento del programa TERRENA en la subcuenca alta del río Viejo (Nicaragua)

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    Este estudio muestra la experiencia de un grupo de investigación universitario a la hora de identifica r problemas, aportar recomendaciones e implementar ca mbios en el monitoreo de intervenciones de Cooperación de cierta envergadura: cuatro años de e jecución, recursos económicos elevados, un equipo de más de sesenta personas, abundantes consultorías y gran cantidad y diversidad de beneficiarios. Se utiliza como estudio de caso la intervención de una ONGD española en Nicaragua. El grupo ha revisado documentación y llevado a cabo dos misiones técnica s en terreno, cada una de seis semanas de duración. En la primera se recogió información para el diagnóstico y para la elaboración de la propues ta del nuevo sistema de seguimiento. En la segunda se presenta el nuevo esquema al equipo y se empieza a trabajar de forma conjunta en la identificación d e necesidades de información y en la planificación de su seguimiento. Posteriormente se trabajará en la impl ementación de un sistema para la gestión de la información. Los resultados pertinentes y exitosos muestran el potencial del trabajo conjunto entre ONGDs y Universidad.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Four new species of Chaetodermatidae (Mollusca, Caudofoveata) from bathyal bottoms of the NW Iberian Peninsula

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    Caudofoveata is a class of vermiform molluscs with bilateral symmetry and circular transverse section. There are at least 135 described species of Caudofoveata. Fourteen species have been reported from the coast of the Iberian Peninsula, four of which belong to the family Chaetodermatidae. Of these four species, three are endemic to the Mediterranean Sea and one to the NW Iberian Peninsula. The Chaetodermatidae specimens studied were collected off the NW Iberian Peninsula during several expeditions. Four new species of Caudofoveata are described from the NW Iberian Peninsula. They belong to the family Chaetodermatidae, one of them to the genus Chaetoderma and three to Falcidens. Chaetoderma galiciense sp. nov. has a body divided in 5 regions: anterior, neck, trunk, tail and tassel, each region is covered by typical sclerites. Falcidens urgorrii sp. nov. has a narrow body divided in four regions: anterior, neck, trunk and tassel, each region covered by typical sclerites, and a radula bears a pair of teeth and two pairs of lateral supports. Falcidens garcialvarezi sp. nov. has a body with four regions, each body region covered by characteristic sclerites. The radula bears a pair of falciform teeth, a long and narrow radular cone, a triangular central plate and a pair of lateral supports. Falcidens valdubrensis sp. nov. has a short body divided in four regions, each of which covered by characteristic sclerites; the radula bears two falciform teeth.The four new species described herein increase the number of known described species of Caudofoveata to 138. Thus, the Iberian Peninsula becomes one of the best known areas in the world. Also, the first species of the genus Chaetoderma from the Iberian Peninsula is described. This paper is registered in Zoobank under: http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:628A29EE-B45D-4D1A-8955-F84FEDAD9013This communication is a contribution to the following projects carried out by the Estación de Bioloxía Mariña da Graña from the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela: PGIDT01PXI20008PR, PGIDIT05PXIC20001P, PGIDIT07PXB000120PR, A Selva-08 and ForSaGal-09 (Xunta de Galicia, Regional Government); VEM2003-20070-C04-04, CGL2004-22429-E and CTM2004-00740 (MEC, Spanish Government)S

    Multilevel Multiphase Feedforward Space-Vector Modulation Technique

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    Multiphase converters have been applied to an increasing number of industrial applications in recent years. On the other hand, multilevel converters have become a mature technology mainly in medium- and high-power applications. One of the problems of multilevel converters is the dc voltage unbalance of the dc bus. Depending on the loading conditions and the number of levels of the converter, oscillations appear in the dc voltages of the dc link. This paper presents a feedforward modulation technique for multilevel multiphase converters that reduces the distortion under balanced or unbalanced dc conditions. The proposed modulation method can be applied to any multilevel-converter topology with any number of levels and phases. Experimental results are shown in order to validate the proposed feedforward modulation technique.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación DPI2009-07004Ministerio de Eduación y Ciencia TEC2007-6187

    Analysis of the rear leg rotation movement during the fencing lunge

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    The most relevant aulhois of fencing agree on the extension of the rear leg's knee from the on guard position, which is the ona thai provides ihe real speed to the lunge, and the extension of the arm only serves to drive the points towards the target. All the authors coincide thai it is important to keep the whole sole of the rear Foot supported on the Boor, keeping the same direction and without sliding it during the movernent, being the only one support that assures a really fast and balanced lunge, allowing the return to the on guard position or to continue towards ahead. Nevertheless, in a competition it may be observed that there are just a few fencers that keep the position of the feet in 90° angle during the lunge, as proposed in the fencing books. From this situation, we try to know if the rotation movement of the rear leg improve the speed of the Mass Centre and the weapon

    CoSMiC: A hierarchical cloudlet-based storage architecture for mobile clouds

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    Storage capacity is a constraint for current mobile devices. Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) is developed to augment device capabilities, facilitating to mobile users store/access of a large dataset on the cloud through wireless networks. However, given the limitations of network bandwidth, latencies, and devices battery life, new solutions are needed to extend the usage of mobile devices. This paper presents a novel design and implementation of a hierarchical cloud storage system for mobile devices based on multiple I/O caching layers. The solution relies on Memcached as a cache system, preserving its powerful capacities such as performance, scalability, and quick and portable deployment. The solution targets to reduce the I/O latency of current mobile cloud solutions. The proposed solution consists of a user-level library and extended Memcached back-ends. The solution aims to be hierarchical by deploying Memcached-based I/O cache servers across all the I/O infrastructure datapath. Our experimental results demonstrate that CoSMiC can significantly reduce the round-trip latency in presence of low cache hit ratios compared with a 3G connection even when using a multi-level cache hierarchy